Secure ai for the c-suite

The Secure AI Assistant for the Office of the CEO

Ambient maps to your Rhythm of Business and securely extracts C-Suite level insights across meetings, email, and chat.

or, book a demo with us ➞
As a former Chief of Staff, I wish I had had Ambient when I was following up on meetings and actions items. I now use it to run my business and the quality of summaries and follow ups is a game changer.
Clara Ma, Ask a Chief of Staff
I urge Chiefs of Staff to take Ambient for a spin. Instead of writing notes and sending emails, I can focus on listening and thinking deeply.
Rahul Desai, Chief of Staff Network
You’re not creating this for the Office of the CEO; you’re creating this for the Office of the Multiplier, which is that person in any department in any office in this company who needs to be able to multiply themselves.
CoS, Hummingbird Health
Whenever I need to deep dive into any of the meeting content, whether to gather more insights or even generate a SWOT analysis, Ambient’s AI Chat feature is jaw-droppingly quick and accurate.
CoS, Easter Seals
Ambient enables me to distill key themes and insights with ease. It has completely changed how I structure strategic planning processes and operationalize them.
CoS, Harri
Ambient is like a second brain, allowing me to securely query over my entire knowledge base of meetings.
frm CoS, nate
It’s not just another AI note taker. It’s not just another project management tool. It’s also not just another data source. It’s all of those things and so much more.
CoS, Candid Co
Fits perfectly into my workflow, with secure meeting recordings that can be shared selectively with the right team members. Exactly what we need for handling sensitive information.
CoS, Precision Pharma
Ambient completely changed how I do my meetings. By efficiently summarizing notes and identifying critical action items, it consistently saves me 15 to 30 minutes per meeting, eliminating the need to rewatch recordings or synthesize notes manually. It helped us make high quality decisions quickly.
CoS, Shopify
Ambient has become our ‘source of truth’ for meetings. Team members can conveniently review any past meeting—whether internal or external—ensuring alignment.
Head of Ops, GenHealth
I was on an operating call last week with our PE partners and was able to assure them that having Ambient on the call was safe and efficient for follow-ups and capturing action items, and it’s in part because of this feature (precise sharing controls)! Love it.
CoS, We Are Rosie
The platform has significantly accelerated my workflow, making the production and documentation of notes, follow-ups, and actions 10x faster.
Exec. Ops, Cohesive

Never drop another ball again with Ambient's built-in Eisenhower Matrix for prioritization and task assignment

The Eisenhower task prioritization framework of urgency and importance

Ambient is an Air Traffic Control Tower that helps you keep eyes on the work to be done across your business.

Ambient for email

Your AI Email Assistant

Ambient makes it summarize complex email threads into tight, actionable, shareable summaries.

Ambient uses AI to automatically extract tasks, next steps, and decisions made from any email thread.

Ambient for Email is perfect for:

Founders & Chiefs of Staff



External facing roles

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try ambient at your next Meeting

Summarize Meetings Across Zoom, Teams, and Meet

Ambient makes it dead simple to prioritize and route next steps from any live meeting.  Never drop another ball again!

Over 200 teams worldwide rely on us
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